Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vacation Time

I was looking at my calendar the other day, and I realized I crossed the 4 month mark this past week. In some ways, it doesn't feel like that much time has passed. In other ways, it feels like I've been here for a year.

This week has been exceptionally long. It has crawled along at a pace that could only mean one thing--it's time for vacation! The carrot at the end of the stick that is this week is a weekend in Kuala Lumpur and a week in Bali. For us, Kuala Lumpur is a mandatory stop on the way to Bali. We decided to stretch the lay over out and extra day or so.

We have done quite a bit of traveling the past few months, but it's been a long time we had a week to unplug and relax. That's actually a large part of the reason we chose Bali (that and the fact that we've wanted to visit there for a long time). This will also be our first trip out of India, where we aren't planning to come back into India with two duffel bags full of things we can't get in India. Don't worry. We are still taking the duffel bags. :-)

The only thing that would improve on this sunny vacation would be to see some familiar faces. We miss you all and wish you were here to join us.

Be good,


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