Thursday, August 13, 2009

Everybody Loves Raymond

I'm sure everyone has seen or heard of the show Everybody Loves Raymond. If not, it's the show where Ray(mond), the lead character exercises really poor judgment and finds himself in bad situations. He is usually in trouble with his wife or someone in his family.

Anyway, I've never really been a fan of the show, because I find his actions or lack of thought very frustrating. This usually overshadows any of the things that some people find funny. That's pretty sad for someone who loves to laugh.

As I was watching Everybody Loves Raymond this morning, I found myself laughing hysterically. I thought for a second that it might be because I was in a really good mood. I flashed back to my 2 mile run on the treadmill earlier, and quickly ruled that out.

Then it hit me. After being here for 4+ months and asking myself at least 5 times a day "Why would they do this that way??", I've become slightly more tolerant or at least willing to ignore things that don't make any sense at all. So now, I can watch the show, and overlook the fact that Raymond is a complete idiot who makes really bad choices. I am now able to watch and laugh at the insanity that is his life and family.

Sometimes you have to step away from the trees to see the forest. Have a great day and enjoy the little things.

Be good,


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